Wednesday Night Youth Group 6:30PM start


A fun evening for teenagers to hang out, play games and eat dinner together.  Our worship band leads in a great time of worship followed by a study in God’s Word.  Our focus in youth ministry is and always will be equipping our teenagers with tools to help them in life, at home and at school.  To shower them with love and friendship and give them insight into who Christ is and how much He cares for them.



Summer Camp

Always a Big hit is our summer camp at Lake Swan.  A great week to join with other Alliance churches and have a great time of making new friends and learning about God.   


Outings and Adventures

Refuge Youth love to venture outside the church grounds to have a great adventure together or to serve our community.  Tree Hoppers is one of our favorites along with bowling, laser tag and ice skating. 

We also love working with our community. 
The Neighborhood Care center and the Pregnancy Care center are two of the places our youth group helps out.